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Forever Strong Adult Training


welcome home.


In our brand new 8-week Adult Training Camp we are committed to keeping the adult, Forever Strong.  While athletes have been our priority, strength, endurance, and longevity have always been our foundation and we couldn't be more excited to open up our foundation, principles, and, methodology to our adult community.  


In this environment you can expect to build your strength, endurance, and pliability through our intensive & focused 45-minute training session. The benefits of this program do not only lye in feeling and living a stronger life but also the ability to build in a community of other like minded individuals who are  simply demanding the best of  their destiny. 


We look forward to seeing you for your first session!














Group Training plans & pricing*:

2 day - Gold - $179 / month 

day  - Platinum - $250 / month 

*After first 2 weeks


Days: M W F

Times: 6:45am - 7:45am | 8:00am - 9:00am | 9:15am - 10:15am 

Location:  Fortitude Strength Delaware Plaza  - Delmar NY 12054  

(Next to Los Ponchos)


*Scheduling sent out each Sunday & scheduled via online app*

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